Welcome To Chimera Miniatures: Our blog thats dedicated to Mine and My fiancées painting studio!

Monday, August 31, 2015

30k ULTRAMARINES Remus Ventanus Captain of the 4th Company!

I've been back and forth on what legion I've wanted to mainly focus on, I love the Ultramarines legion The imperial fits, The Iron Hands and The World Eaters. I originally invested in the Imperial fist Command set, and Alexis Polux, which I purchased after doing my test minis. However after them sitting now for months, and starting Ultramarines, which I've always wanted to have an Ultra army, ever since I first started warhammer, I've decided to build those fists... Or should I say the ultimate heresy and "convert them" Into 30k Ultramarines

After Listening to the Audiobooks for the Mark of Calth, and researching Remus I instantly fell in love with the 4th Company and Decided I'd build The 4ths Captain Remus Ventanus.

 If you get a chance be sure to check out his Biography here on the lexicanum:

HE IS AN utter badass, And deserves an amazing model, out of all the captains from all the legions he's without a doubt my Favorite, So I decided to sacrifice my third favorite captain (kharns' my second, and Atticus of the Ironhands my 4th) Alexis Polux!

Heres the start of Him Primed and Sprayed Vallejo Game Air magic Blue:

And the Start of his face painted! He still needs more definition, Highlights, and of coarse his eyes.

I got his armor as close as I could an even sculpted the cables and added the vent part to the armor, the changes I figured it was alright to have a bit different armor, a he would have been given honours, and improved his damaged armor after the battle of Calth, when He became Guilliman's trusted advisor! Remus even helped find holes and faults in the codex astartes! 

I also chose a bit different of a helmet as I honestly cant stand the one in the artwork of him, but also didn't have one in my collection that resembled it by any means, for anyone interested in doing a similar conversion there is great conversion bits sites out there!

SO he ended up looking close, but not exact to Remus's art work, most of the created models I've seen people do, were also fairly close as well, the od done being exact, But I aimed for something jut a little different, that I coudl manage to make. Now for the head:

I chose the Forge World Terminator Praetor head for two reasons: with sculted hair it would look close in appearance to Remus, as well as its a larger face and doesn't sit too small in Alexis Pollux;s huge armor as he's gigantic!

Now on to how I sculpted Remus hair:

1.) I literally put a small amout of green stuff on the top of the Head.

2.) Than manouever with a hobby knife it into position of where I want the hair to sit

3.) and then use a hobby knife to shape the sides into the areas of where I Want the left and right hair line

In this case Remus hair is very simple, and less complex than most.

4.) I slowly moved the hair in the front to have a bit of a comb-over as shown in fws art

5.) Finally using the hobby knife or fine sculptinf tool, I scar up the hair to make it very realistic looking (as a pose to flat) and add lines to show flow movement and individual strands!

6.) the Hair is officially complete!

Iv'e only ever sculpted hair 5-6 times heres one of my other miniatures as an example:

Strike Captian Perseus:

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read

Friday, August 21, 2015

Danielle's Birthday presents! VAMPIRE COUNTS!

HI everyone Danielle's birthday was Saturday the 15th and for her birthday one of her presents was A ton of Vampire counts for her birthday, some of which I've began painting in a rush  to have done for Saturday lol for her to start off we'll begin with first explaining the themes...

Its pretty basic, an all Vampire undead army based off a lot of very popular Vampire films, Vampire lore, and Vampiric stories, the colour choices are of coarse dark pallets with light contrasts here and there. The overall theme for the bases is Crypt/graveyard undead forests, and are Heavily sprayed with Moot green to simulate this effect:

The undead Green ghoulish fog that follows all the undead and vampire counts everywhere they skulk!

I based him around Bram stokers Dracula, I gave him the shield to match Dracula's armor, and sculpted his armor and painted it red, to also match. I had decided to do a three from inspiration from him, Hes got the armor from Vlad as a human, The ghoulish white skin when Dracula is old and haggard, but the ghoulish look of when Dracula is a beast, both the wolf like beast, and the one that Jonathan Harker confronts while he's seducing Mina Harker!

He still needs a few things such the end of the Ghouls sword needs to be found as it re broke off, finish painting the sword, He needs a few armor highlights, than matte Varnish him to take the gloss off, and last but not least blood for the blood god his tongue!

I'm surprised he turned out as good as he did considering he was a rushed project!

As well as the display banner I want to free hand something similar to this:

All the parts are as follows: The body arms legs and head Are from the Ghoul Rider from the Terrorgheist/Vampire lord boxset, as well as the hook chain skull head o his belt! The broken sword hand is From the Vampire lord from the same kit! I just cut the ghoul claw hand off and swapped it!

The neck tie! swinging back chain skulls, as well as the shield are all from the Black Knights boxset, and the Skull emblem on the neck tie is compliments of the 40k khorne berzerkers ripper blade! heres tons of Photos of the Build: 



I Saved her to be painted by Danielle, And she's deciding on a solid dark colour scheme, she's chosen whitish skin and A blood red dress, with purples, lots of purples lol!


I painted this up on a whim while watching comedy skits on youtube, I thought it was a funny cartoonish throwback to early 90's horror movies, as well as old 1990's warhammer!

The start of the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon

proud to announce this saturday NIGHT RAW match-up of the century, tag team match, Thanquol and Bone ripper V.S. Vampire lord On Zombie DRAGON!

Stay tuned this evening for more work on "ORDO Ratticus SKAVANICUS!" and a review on the "GREEN STUFF WORLD tentacle MAKER"

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read