Welcome To Chimera Miniatures: Our blog thats dedicated to Mine and My fiancées painting studio!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

DEATH KORPS OF KRIEG: Quarter Master (forgeWorld 2013 games daymodel) Painted!

CHIMERA MINIATURES: is proud to finally start Painting this Badboy:

Monday Evening I decided I would begin painting the DKOK Games Day Quarter master! I removed him from the FW package, cut him off the Sprue and cleaned him all up! 

I ended up usuing a previously sculpted/based scenic base for him, added the two poles, two fantasy spikes from the fantasy goblinz, which I glued to the top of the poles and some custom ww1style unbarbed wire, which i! wrapped around the poles!

Heres the Quarter Master Airbrushed grey and his cape rope-ties painted Khorne red (with Mephiston red highlights!)

At this point he has very little paint on him, other then his helmet, chest armor, Coat cuffs, and rope-ties! 

Without Further ado here he is MOSTLY completed!
I'll be posting more photos and painting more details on him this evening when I getHome from work! SO STAY TUNED!

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries email:
Tyler Read