Welcome To Chimera Miniatures: Our blog thats dedicated to Mine and My fiancées painting studio!

Friday, July 31, 2015

AOS VAMPIRE COUNTS AND SKAVEN... ORDO Ratticus Skavanicus : A mix between fnatasy (AOS) and 40k

HI everyone I've been planning a concept army for the last few months, and now since the drop of AOS it seems only appropriate I now start and showcase what Ive been working on! When the Skitarri first dropped I immediately had plans of starting a mechanicum army, but with the intent of kitbashing and customizing it to be a rat vermin horde! I've sadly now seen 3-4 armies done as such, exceptionally made I might add, but I'm not going to let that stop me, and push on through to the build!

Danielle has had her heart set on starting vampire counts for the last 3 years, so we Finally made the plunge together to star AOS warhammer fantasy we placed an order on Monday to begin our armies and it arrived yesterday...heres the unboxing and what we ordered: 

 5 BLACK KNIGHTS/ HEXWRAITHS (will be making the hexwraiths into regular wraiths via lots of green stuff lol)


THANQOUL AND BONE RIPPER (with Legs from Skitarri walker from ebay)
(on its way are some extra skaven from ebay)

2 oval massive bases
1 set of 3 Defkopta 60mm bases for skaven

as well as the free little Khorne goody: 

I'll be heavily customizing the Skaven army using lots of green stuff, as well as I ordered the Tentacle Green Stuff tool, I'll deinately be doing a review on that product immediately!

ANd in other news Ive been Working on a Few other little age of sigmar projects:

Swamp Bases  for my SWAMP ROCK TROLLS:

More custom swamp bases I've started!

And finally heres two (of 3) of my SWAMP ROCK TROLLS still in progress:

and finally two BEASTMEN on custom 32mm bases cork:

Heres a photo of how I attached them to the base without removing the steel stand which I've had to do in the past: I simply cut into the cork a slot for the pewter stand

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read

Friday, July 24, 2015

Age of sigmar meets 30k: Ultramarines!

With the release of age of sigmar,  gw sold A white dwarf with all the rules, how to paint the box set minis, and a free mini included! I had my local FLGS order extra copies , and set me one aside (as I knew they'd sell insanely fast! regardless of all the hate it at first received even before release)!

Well I'm actually starting fantasy-AOS with my wife, I'm starting Skaven, and making them usable in both AOS and Warhammer 40k by making them mechnicum: ORDO skavanicus Ratticus, and My Wife Danielle is starting Vampire counts (excited to buy her krell and get to finally pain him! such an amazing miniature) BUT...

I didn't exactly build the AOS sigmar Stormcast Eternal he sorta god blasted roughly 30 thousand years into the future:

30k praetor for the ultrmarines!

This afternoon I finished the PRAETORS Fw style display base, he'll be magnetized to stand on the base, and I'll be making standards out of the copper iconography in the FW set on poles so his base resembles the FW Guilliman Primarch model!

still needs lots of work to get him up to 30k standards, and will be buying the copper ultramarine add on set from fw!

I'm also waiting on Vallejo Game color magic blue airbrush paint to paint up him whenhe's completed, but first his fellow ULTRA counter part

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read


Chimera Miniatures Present:
HI everyone yesterday I got a start on my Witcher 3 Inspired Rock Trolls for Age of Sigmar! 

Heres the blokes on their customized round swamp bases:

Before I primed them I had to give them another stripping bath, as they were originally painted with enamels!

And here they are primed and the bases have the first coat of army painter brown:

A close up of the bases minus the SWAMP ROCK Trollzords!

The swamp bases will be done with resin to create scenic swmapy water which the trolls will be rising up out of, and will include lots of foliage, plant life, as well as swampy weeds on the trees!

Two photos that really showcase what my overall idea I'm going to accomplish with the bases!

Heres a few reference photos of how I 'm currently painting the Rock Trolls which is from the Witcher 3!

The overall concept for them is the face, chest and rock like colour as the two last images of the troll, but the green colour of the goblin as well as the reddening of the ears parts of the face and the added goreish effects!

And finally heres the first layers of paint!:

Stay tuned for more of the SWAMP ROCK TROLLS:

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read