Welcome To Chimera Miniatures: Our blog thats dedicated to Mine and My fiancées painting studio!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

SONS OF MEDUSA: More work on Captain (veteran sgt) PERSEUS! and much much more!

Hi everyone been plugging away on my SONS OF MEDUSA army!

Heres Perseus in all his glory without his hair:

The motivation for adding hair came form the fact that as a kid, when I seen the original clash of the titans (not the new remake which was a whole lot of meh), he had long curly hair, so I decided to go sorta with hair and without, What? haha I decided on a comb over!

Perseus in the Original clash of the titans!

And as soon as I thought comb-over the first image that popped in my head was the Inquisitor from the PS3 spacemarine video game!:

the praetor head also has some of the scaring to boot! just on the a posing side, and I'll be doing  a flip with a little less hair, and a little less in his face!

Heres is Perseus Finally completed with his Green stuff hair and ready to be primed and painted!

 I'm so glad I chose to do it! I'm very happy with the looks!

Rocking his comb over like he listens to heavy metal hahaha

Also today I did up sanguinary angel sanguinous shoulder pauldrons to look more like mark 4 heresy ones:

and added a plume to his mask,  The plume will be painted black and white! and the mask I'm painting half white half black to match the sons of medusa mechanus skulls, he's going to have a very Greek mosaic paint job:

The use of the Sanguinary Angel mask was inspired by Tigris of Gaul (played by one of my Favorite actors: Sven-ole Thorsen) from gladiator:

and finally the custom flame thrower/communicator Tactical marine I spent today building!

 note the custom leg!

Just needs some clean up and he's ready for priming thne paint!

Also his flamer is a guard flamer, As the Medusans scrounge and seize enemy and fallen warrior weapons
I think for a paint job he'll be all black (will be doing the chipping effect on him) like the Iron hands but with green Medusan shoulder pauldrons!

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chimeras Miniatures: Riveting Tutorial!

Hi everyone I've been working on a load of different Miniatures lately, and even some more commissions! and Decided to share with Everyone how I'm doing my rivets! There is in fact many ways to accomplish this, both with green stuff and plastic card rods,but I'd figure I'd share this technique with others hoping to learn Pin riveting!

In this tutorial I'll be adding rivets to a basic Tactical Spacemarine to create a Carcharodon "space shark" 

There is many ways to do rivets, however very few honour the BLOOD GOD!

haha make sure you wear gloves for this one! it can get a little bloody if not: Case in point: 

No pun intended...

Anyways the materials you will need:

  • Pins of any size that best suits your need
  • 2 Large craft Magnets
  • Clippers
  • Hobby Knife/pin drill
  • |Washable Sharpie
  • super glue
  • thick gloves
  • random piece of sprue
  • a Miniature

Heres some of what you'll need in photos:

Now that you've done all your shopping and dragged out your hobby tools (you should begin on a test piece of sprue and then move on to the actual miniature once your comfortable with the technique)

Begin with using the washable sharpie by marking your miniature where you'd like to add the rivets:

(note the three existing rivets! one extra then the heresy armor but I wanted it to have more)

I use the washable sharpie jut in case you over draw your hole

once holes are all drawn and alignment decided begin by taking your fine tipped hobby knife, or pin drill and creating a whole! a pin drill is the easiest, but I've been using my hobby knife!:

Start with putting the pin in the clippers at the very end of the pin head, this is very straight forward:

put one of the magnets over the pin at he sharp end of the pin (I only figured to do this after a few pin blow backs to the clipping hand, that resulted in stabbings, and the second magnet to the front of the pin, do avoid launching! 

cover the second second magnet in the palm of your non clipping hand and...

Squeeze and cut the pin!

Then make sure the magnet tip is facing down and the cut end up! and move it to place at the end of the magnet!

now add super glue, either glue the cut hole or the end of the pin tip on the magnet, but sparingly, a needle tipped super glue tube is best used for this! as you don't want to adhere the rivet to the magnet, or spread glue across your miniature!

Once Super glue is added to the pin head using the magnet quickly push the end tip in place using the magnet, wait a few minutes to dry and repeat the process!

Now use your hobby knife to clean up the plastic/resin flashing around the rivet!

oh and a tip if you make the holes to big you can add a little bit of greenstuff/liquid green stuff to fill the hole!

if doing this on plastic card pin drill right through and clip the pin off on the other side for a sturdier bond! and then glue it to the object!

This whole process can be a lot of work, but I absolutely love the result, and enjoy doing it so its definitely worth it!

Heres a Few miniatures that have had this process successfully done to it:
(Perseus still needs some greenstuff hair, and he's good to prime-then paint)
(never mind the excess paint that still needs to be removed lol)

I sincerely hope this helps anyone who is planning on doing any pin riveting work in the future! 

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

SONS OF MEDUSA: Strike Captain Perseus and servo skull scribe Pegasus! And more Gorgon Veterans

My Strike Captain (veteran sgt) Is completed for my 10 man Gorgon Vanguard Strike Squad!

I'm very Proud to Showcase my Sons of Medusa Strike Captain Perseus and Servo Scribe Pegasus:

Made use of most of the forgeworld parts I ordered!

Heres his Second in command: Note the use of the Corvus Raven Guard uprgrade head

I also Just noticed I still have a lot of excess paint to scrub off from the original stripped Blood angel Sanguinary Angel squad!

Kneeling Mohawk Gorgon Medusan

Not yet finished, as you can tell, needs his arm and FW shoulder pad howeveras well as he still needs some filing! paint removal, some rivets on his power fist, and helmet on the base etc!

Now if you notice all the rivets (i'll be doing a tutorial on how I achieve this!) I've been riveting them up while building all morning! And I've gotta say its awesome but rough, violent, bloody work lol

Thumbs up for rivets! I suggest wearing gloves lol

Throughout the week I'll be finishing up the Strike Squad, Rebuilding all my old Tactical AOBR and DV marines, and priming and spraying over 40 models! And will be adding the "Riveting tutorial" so stay tuned were gonna be busy!

As well as check out our previous post to see the Sons of Medusa Devastators!:

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries email:
Tyler Read