Its roughly seven in the morning, Way to early for a post but its gonna happen! Can't sleep so I decided to Prime my Nurgle ZOMBIE Chaos Standard Bearer as well as a squad of my girlfriend Danielle's Sisters of Battle.
I decided while I was Priming, now would be a good time to give a quick tutorial on my Priming method
First off why is priming necessary: You will want to choose a good base coat primer that will stick to your Finecast miniature so that when you begin your painting process it has a good solid material to adhere to. If you choose to paint unprimed models they will likely have paint flakes and chips, and its layers will look rough and poorly textured causing the model to look porely painted. A primed model allows paint to smoothly adhere to its coating, and allows for Shadowing/shading affects in the painting process!
CAUTION: Always remember to spray in a well ventilated space, to wear eye protection, respiratory protection and to always abide by handling methods on hazardous chemicals
- First remove all Mold Lines, Glue Spots, excess Green Stuff or any unwanted remaining bits from the model you chose to prime
- wipe gently with emery clothe to remove all oils (mostly for vehicles)
- mount to Pin Drill or Puttied Spray Cap
- Hold 8 inches from spray can and then do a gentle left to right hand horizontal motion with the spray can across the model,
- Repeat process rotating the model to reveal each side (as well as above and partially below) until the model is 100% covered in primer touch up excess spots as needed.
Nurgle Zombie Standard Bearer
awaiting his future paint scheme!
I find I always like to prime in black very rarely do I paint with light paint tones so I dont prime in white. I use a Tremclad Primer or Krylon Dual Paint + Primer its best to let the mini dry over night before painting, however I find they tend to dry within minutes of application!
This method is best for quick priming individual models, for priming larger quantities of models such a full squads or armies I prefer to mount them all to a board, with puddy and spray each side rotating all models at once and re spraying.
Any questions comments or concerns or Conversion/Painting or inquiries email:
Tyler Read
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