The whole army is verrrryy Greeeeeeen, so prepare yourselves we're gonna need a disclaimer:
now onto more Important and less hilarious thangsss! Heres some MEDUSAN fluff:
A breif watered down version of the fluff:
The Sons of Medusa are the successor chapter of the Iron Hands hailing from the planet Medusa, After the Moirae schism, a great civil war began! 1000 loyal brothers to Ferrus Manus (the Fallen Primarch of the Iron Hands) and his teachings disagreed with the mechanums views and were cast aside to help spell the violent war, all the remaining Iron Hands clans were forced under the new councils rule to no longer take arms against their brothers, The new broken chapter of Moirae Iron Hands would eventually be deemed honourable and loyal by the High Lords of Terra, and from that moment a new Chapter was formed, That of the Sons Of Medusa.
(click the pictures for the websites)
S.O.M. on the wikki page:
and on the Lexicannum:
More of their fluff and artwork can be found in FW's Imperial Armour Volume 10:
One of the Reasons (and they're is infact many) I chose the Sons of Medusa is based on greek history, which I Absolutely love historical stories, and myths, and this ones a killer! the story of Medusa and Perseus was always a fav of mine as a child!
In Ancient Greek Mythology Medusa was a Gorgon (the name of the IRON HANDS PLANET, the word in Greek meaning dreadful!) who had a hideously monstrous face, and a head full of snakes for hair, to directly gaze upon her face, would turn you to stone! the God Poseidon who Was fond of both her beauty and her body, had condemned her to a hideous fate, when his wife Athena found out about the affair! She turned Medusa into a gorgon monster, who forever would no longer be able to gaze upon another man! Perseus with A shield of reflective mirror and a warriors scythe was tasked to slay the monster, using her gaze against her he was able to distract her and be head the monster! allowing him to use her head forever onward as a weapon against those who would trespass against him! until he gave it as a gift to Athena!
Gotta love historical myths, they're as GRIMDARK as the GRIMDARK itself could ever truly hope to be!
heres a few solid FW Pictures of Medusans:
I will be fielding the Medusans under the Clan Raukaan Iron Hands Supplement:
I also have a copy of Imperial Armour 10 which has their rules specifically, but I'm not too excited by the rules themselves, and not all tournaments, and not all local players will play or allow FW rules. This is still A viable option but I'll wait till after the armies completed, and try using both the Codex and supplement, as well as The FW rules, but the Clan Raukaan Codex is just perfectly fluffy for the Medusans (not so much for the Iron Hands themselves) and allows for warlord traits and Gifts of the Gorgon (which you can choose one of each for your army!) that align itself perfectly with what Id like to field:
Heres two examples:
(The knee markings make no sense lol, they're also going to be on the legs as a pose to the knees! the knees have skulls, and the skulls should be half white and black)
The First WIP shot:
(The Commander Has the Gorgon Chain, which isn't suppose to be visible, but It works, Note the helmets they're from Forgeworld, and their Armour is made from Chaos berzerkers for the chains, I filed off the Khorne symbols)
I had a long lengthy Discussion With Graham Mark Cox on the 40k Warhammer facebook group about my Sons of Medusa chapter and he joked/stated he'd like to see a dreadnought in this green style, and made a hilarious joke about hulk smash! and bam this conversion came to mind, I had a good laugh, but was extremely Inspired by his comment, so much so we discussed it for a while! and I've had the Furioso Dreadnought for my BA Death Company half built as the Chaplin, I joked about using the two powerfist clawed hands (I will magnetize him so he can use other weapons too) but that I'd add chains to his fists and chest and file off all the blood angel symbols! It just so happend while reading the Clan Raukaan book there was a painting I found that looks way to much like my DREDD and is a perfect pre-design for the "Hulk Smash joke":
Not entirely sure why he's Medusan Green, something Chaplin specific I'm guessing as the Medusans Drednoughts are Normally 90% red and 10% green-And the Iron Hands dredds are normally black! they'll be totally super green in my army though, I'm not going to be including too much red (unfluffy as it may be)
Heres what the IRON HANDS pattern Dreadnought is suppose to look like:
Both very inspiring for Ideas! in conversion and painting!!!
Heres the build of my Dredd so far:
If you notice the cut down librarian Dreadnought sarcophagus front, It was used to create the new customized front piece...
I had to Remove the Death company "X" plate as its to symbolic of the Blood Angels DC!
Lots of filing and the front skull added, still a WIP, and The dreddy needs to find a pose and then get built!
Its taken alot of work so far, but lots more will be done to achieve my final idea but he'll look killer when he's finished!
Now to to bring this Thread to an end my (still an extreme W.I.P) WARMASTER the FORGEFATHER of the MEDUSANS:
Hes going to have The Gorgans Axe, and The Axe of Medusa trait!
Stay tuned for the Next post: SONS OF MEDUSA: A CM tutorial on how I paint a basic Sons of Medusa tactical marine!
Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries email:
Tyler Read