Welcome To Chimera Miniatures: Our blog thats dedicated to Mine and My fiancées painting studio!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

SPACEMARINE CAPTAIN: Converted to Horus Heresy Imperial Fist Sgt!

I purchased this guy Recently from my FLGS J&B books, Which is a store I highly recommend! 

Heres the miniature on the sprue!:

TO get him TO a Heresy Standard will be difficult and require mucho bits and parts removal, Swapping, and parts reposition! Which I'm thankful I have more of the MKIV add on kits parts!

Also I'll be building him an extended Ripper Blade

Let the building Begin!

 The add on parts!:
MKIV standard
MKIV Sgt Helmet
MKIV back Pack

Sanguinary angel hand

and regular Pistol holster!

Space Wolf TWO SIDED ripper blades X2

I'll be turning him into a simple veteran sgt, for my Command squad, built to match the MKIV standard bearer command squad from FW:

without further ado here he is completed!:

He just need soome clean up and then will be ready to paint!


Stay Tuned for More Horus Heresy with IMPERIAL FISTS PART 2: Chipping away at an ASTARTES! 

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read

Friday, March 13, 2015

HORUS HERESY IMPERIAL FISTS Part 1: The end of the heresy! Imperial fists vox caster and SGT!

My three Horus heresy Imperial fists: made from Gw Spacemarine parts, with the ForgeWorld MKIV add on kits! with Mk II shoulder pads (I believe!). These are my test minis to attempt some techniques, such as the Hairspray chipping technique! As well as to see how I feel about painting Imperial fists! Which I don't think I'm gonna mind painting at least a thousand points of these bad boys, if not more

SO the Heresy Begins...

Last night (march 12th) I began them: I Primed them black, and then followed up by:
Spraying them brown (which i should have done a mix between browns reds and silvers): 

After the Mournfang brown coat I sprayed the hairspray via the airbrush: regardless of the type you use I recommend using a ventilator and doing this in a well ventilated room, as its nauseous as hell

At the same Time as Spraying these three IFs I also sprayed up him: The Horus Heresy White Scar: Captain Usarion Khan

His Green stuff Japanese Style banner is being done separate as its going to have lots of freehand!

Finally I did the Flash Gitz yellow (which is not the yellow I would have preferred, or will likely end up using) base coat over top:
Could very easily be ANGRY MAHWEENS!

And let the chipping begin:

Stay Tuned for PART 2: Chipping away at an ASTARTES! 

Any questions, comments, concerns, or Conversion/Painting inquiries leave us a comment or email:
Tyler Read